3 Immune Boosting Tips You Should Know

immune boosting tips
October 4, 2024

Want to avoid getting sick during the fall and winter? Who doesn’t!? But doing the bare minimum doesn’t always prevent you from the cold and flu, which is why we want to share some immune boosting tips that will increase your chances of staying healthy. Read on to learn more!

1. Boost with nutrient-rich foods.

immune boosting foods

Yes, what you eat really does affect your ability to fight off illness. A steady diet of whole foods with protein, whole grains, and other nutrient-dense ingredients can be one of the most effective forms of prevention. The antioxidants found in garlic, ginger, turmeric, berries, citrus fruits, colorful veggies, and green tea can help give you the upper hand in fighting off germs and lowering inflammation. Fermented foods high in probiotics are also great for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome and encouraging high-level immunity.

2. Boost with healthy lifestyle habits.

Your daily habits and way of life also have a lot to do with your risk of getting sick (and we mean more than washing your hands and sanitizing surfaces, although those things are important!)
Sleep: A lack of sleep and low immunity are connected; adults should aim for at least 7 hours every night! If you have trouble falling asleep, try limiting screen time before bed and avoiding large meals or heavy exercise a few hours before.
Exercise: Moving your body throughout the day not only encourages good quality sleep but also contributes to overall wellness and gives your immune system a boost. We suggest a 30-minute brisk walk each day!
Immunizations: Obviously one of the most important immune boosting tips is staying up to date on your vaccinations. Getting an annual flu shot not only protects yourself but also prevents the spread in your family and community.
Stress: High levels of stress are often associated with poor sleep and a weakened immune system, so finding stress management techniques that work for you is important.

3. Boost with supplements.

ultra immune supplement

Everyone’s immune system could use a little help every now and then, and our line of high-quality supplements provides the best immunity boosters:

  • Ultra Immune– a targeted blend of nutrients featuring quercetin, a powerful bioflavonoid that aids in supporting the immune system. Vitamin C and N-acetyl cysteine are potent antioxidants that promote respiratory function and support the function of quercetin. Vitamin D and zinc are important micronutrients needed to create a robust immune reserve.
  • Ultimate Vitamin C 1000– our powerful supplement packs a punch! This vitamin is vital for healthy T-cells and antibodies for overall immune response.
  • Ultra D3/K2 capsules or liquid Vitamin D3/K2– both ingredients work together to support immune, bone, and heart health. We offer Vitamin D3/K2 supplements in 2 convenient forms– liquid and capsules.

With these immune boosting tips, you are well on your way to staying healthy and strong this cold and flu season. Stop by the pharmacy and stock up on all the cold and flu over-the-counter essentials and don’t forget to pick up a bottle of Ultra Immune. You can also order our immune boosting supplements online and have them delivered straight to your door!

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