Houck Pharmacy

January 5, 2024

Andropause is the natural progression of decreasing testosterone levels in men as they age, resulting in a variety of side effects such as weight gain, low libido, and erectile dysfunction. Younger men can also experience low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) and when left untreated, leave you at greater risk for osteoporosis and declining cardiovascular health. Treatment for low T is available in the form of testosterone replacement therapy. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men:

1. Improves erectile dysfunction

Probably the most frustrating symptom of declining testosterone levels is the inability to get or maintain an erection. Not only does your sex life suffer, but your quality of life begins to suffer as well, but that’s where BHRT comes in! You can see significant improvement in your sexual performance once taking this treatment.

2. Enhances sexual desire

Another side effect that goes hand in hand with ED is low libido. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men works to increase your sexual desire in addition to performance so you can get back to a healthy and fulfilling sex life.

3. Better sleep and mood

Many men experience anxiety and depression, mood swings and insomnia when dealing with low testosterone. BHRT balances your hormone levels and you’ll notice a significant improvement in your mood, self-confidence, and quality of sleep.

4. More energy

A common symptom that testosterone therapy treats is low energy and poor metabolism. When you’re mood is down, you don’t feel as energized and are less likely to be motivated to get up and get going. Bioidentical hormone therapy for men revitalizes your energy levels and improves your metabolism, making it easy to lose that stubborn fat.

5. Increased muscle strength and bone mass

Weight gain and a loss in muscle mass can be the result of declining testosterone, but a more long-term problem that arises is the loss of bone mass. Men with low T are at a much higher risk for osteoporosis. So, in the short term, BHRT improves muscle mass and strength while protecting your bone density in the long term.

Hormone Therapy at Houck Pharmacy

As you can see, testosterone replacement therapy addresses the underlying causes of your symptoms and can be very beneficial. At our Iowa compounding pharmacy, our compounding experts tailor-make forms of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men. We offer a variety of administration methods, from patches and pellets to injections and gels. Compounded medications are made to be the exact dosage strength you need for optimal results. We use bioidentical hormones rather than synthetic, and these natural, plant-based hormones are the same biologically as the ones your body produces.

Wondering if BHRT is right for you? Schedule a consultation about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men. Conversations about sexual health are important, and we will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and create a treatment plan with your doctor that you’re comfortable with. Our expert team will do everything we can to get on the right track to feeling like yourself again!

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